
Showing posts from April, 2021

Découverte:  Arts: Rencontrez un homme qui a transformé l'ancienne entreprise du tissage en quelque chose d'incroyablement beau.  Exclusivement sur les infos Bangs propulsées par Bangs Entertainment

Comme on dit, la créativité est la pièce maîtresse du succès.  Esomba Nsolo, une jeune camerounaise de trente cinq ans.  Il est né dans la région centre de Yaoundé au Cameroun.  Après sa brève vie à l'école secondaire, il a décidé d'apprendre ce que faisait son père à l'époque en tant que professionnel.  «Il le suivrait dans la brousse et récolterait les matériaux qui serviraient au tissage.  «À l'époque, mon père tissait principalement des paniers, des cages et des chaises. Nous transportions ces produits finis au marché les jours de marché. Je me souviens que j'étais si heureux quand nous vendions tout», affirme Nsolo  À partir de cette période, il a décidé d'abandonner l'école et de se concentrer davantage sur ce domaine.  Il dit qu'il travaille dans ce secteur depuis vingt ans et qu'au fil des années, il acquiert de plus en plus d'expérience.  "Non seulement je suis devenu très rapide, mais j'ai appris à faire des meubles en bois

Video Release: Over Night by Mr. Khoti

  Inspired by the society and with love for the community development and peaceful co-existence, Mr. Khoti is set to drop his first official video titled over night. Over Nights is an a track inspired by the love for humanity and works on the believe that no condition is permanent.   Born Stephan Khoti on 5th of December 1994 Mr Khoti is a native of Nkwen who Started his music by playing drums in the early days of 2013 He then ventured into singing in 2015 when he joined the church choir. With inspiration from drums According Mr Khoti, "I discovered after two years of playing drums in a revelation singing to a very large crowd of people and they were so blessed. So from then i knew singing was my call". Mr Khoti's Audiography From 2015 he has released a total of five songs all singles -  Over night -  On my matter -  For ma case -  Can a woman forget her suckling child? -  Taking over With the latest project being the video release of Over night produce

Discovery: Music a Veritable platform for Philo Blinks

Born January 2nd 2000, Philo Blinks  is a  young talented Afro singer, song writer, music coutch, websites manager, event organizer by name werewi philomon Aben from Momo Division Northwest Region of Cameroon he's popularly know by stage name Philo blinks. Inspired by the happenings around his community Philo Blinks developed interest for music at the age fifteen (15) when he visited the studios for his first record session. Challenges Haven  been in the industry for over 7 years, the challenges faced by the young star are enormous with the first being; Lack of sponsorship which makes it didifficult for him to be consistent in the dropping hit songs back to back. The second being poor vibing and support from fans which becomes a setback for my career. Thirdly the lack of a coach and mentor in the field has been my greatest challenge so far in the business. " As a young man struggling on my own to make it, it becomes very difficult to focus on my music career coupled with t